
Wishzilla, A Thanksgiving Tradition

Hello, !

Everyone here at Wishzilla has their own family Thanksgiving traditions. While some may involve football and others massive amounts of pie, all of us have adopted one tradition and brought it to the post-desert Thanksgiving table. It's the annual passing of the laptop.

What better time to get everyone in one place and have them update their Wishzilla wishlists? Clean out the old stuff you don't want or forgot to delete from last year and add all the things you'd like to receive this year. And for those families that do a Secret Santa gift exchange, use our Secret Santa mode to randomly draw names. Beats cutting out tiny sheets of paper and throwing them into a hat! So this year, while you're passing the pumpkin pie, pass around the laptop, sign into your account, and do some holiday wishlist cleaning. Wishzilla, where gifts are fun again!

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"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love." -Hamilton Wright Mabie

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